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12 Cheating Personality Types: A Deep Dive

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Cheating in relationships is one of those topics that just won’t disappear.

It’s complicated and causes a lot of heartache and betrayal for many people.

So why do some people cheat while others stay loyal?

Let’s dive into the different cheating personality types and see what traits or behaviors might hint that someone could be more likely to be unfaithful.

1. The Commitment-Phobe

One of the most common cheating personality types is the commitment-phobe.

These individuals have a fear of commitment and often struggle with the idea of being tied down to one person.

They crave freedom and variety, which can lead them to seek out multiple partners.

Commitment-phobes might enjoy the thrill of the chase and the excitement of new relationships, but they often shy away from long-term commitments.

If you notice someone frequently jumping from one relationship to another, they might fall into this category.

Read: How Financial Cheating Can Seriously Harm Your Relationship

2. The Narcissist

Narcissists are another key cheating personality type.

These individuals have an inflated sense of self-importance and a deep need for admiration.

They often lack empathy and are primarily concerned with their own needs and desires.

For narcissists, cheating can be a way to boost their ego and get the attention they crave.

They might not see anything wrong with their actions because they genuinely believe they deserve admiration from multiple sources.

Read: Signs of a Female Narcissist: What to Look Out For

3. The Thrill-Seeker

Some people cheat because they crave excitement and adventure.

These thrill-seekers are one of the more unpredictable cheating personality types.

They love the rush that comes with sneaking around and breaking the rules.

Thrill-seekers might find monogamous relationships boring or too routine.

They often seek out new experiences and might cheat simply for the adrenaline rush.

Their need for constant stimulation can make it challenging for them to stay faithful.

4. The Unfulfilled Partner

Feeling unfulfilled or neglected in a relationship can lead some people to cheat.

This cheating personality type might not have set out to be unfaithful but ends up seeking emotional or physical fulfillment elsewhere.

If someone feels like their needs arenā€™t being met in their current relationship, they might be more tempted to cheat.

Open communication and addressing issues within the relationship can sometimes prevent this type of cheating.

5. The Opportunist

Opportunists cheat because the opportunity presents itself.

They might not actively seek out affairs but will take advantage of a situation if it arises.

This cheating personality type might be more likely to cheat in certain environments, like at a party or on a business trip.

Opportunists often have poor impulse control and might justify their actions by telling themselves it was just a one-time thing.

They might not have deep-rooted issues with commitment but simply lack the willpower to say no when tempted.

Read: 3 Personality Types Have The Most Successful Relationships

6. The Insecure Individual

Insecurity can drive some people to cheat as a way to feel better about themselves.

This cheating personality type might seek validation from others because they struggle with low self-esteem.

Cheating can temporarily boost their confidence and make them feel desirable.

Insecure individuals might not set out to cheat but find themselves drawn to the attention and affirmation they get from others.

Addressing their insecurities and building self-esteem can help reduce the temptation to cheat.

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7. The Revenge Seeker

Revenge seekers cheat as a way to get back at their partner.

This cheating personality type might feel wronged or hurt and use cheating as a form of retaliation.

They might not be interested in the person they cheat with but see the act itself as a way to inflict pain.

If someone cheats out of revenge, itā€™s often a sign of deeper issues within the relationship.

This type of cheating is usually more about causing emotional harm than seeking pleasure or fulfillment.

Read: 12 Types Of Listening To Build Better Relationships

8. The Bored Partner

Boredom can be a powerful motivator for cheating.

This cheating personality type might feel stuck in a routine and look for excitement outside their relationship.

They might cheat to break the monotony and add some spice to their life.

Bored partners might not be unhappy with their relationship overall but simply crave variety.

Finding ways to keep the relationship interesting and engaging can help mitigate this type of cheating.

9. The Emotional Cheater

Emotional cheaters might not engage in physical infidelity but form deep emotional connections with others outside their relationship.

This cheating personality type might seek out emotional support and intimacy from someone else, which can be just as damaging as physical cheating.

Emotional cheating often starts innocently enough but can quickly cross boundaries.

Open communication and fostering emotional closeness within the relationship can help prevent this type of infidelity.

10. The Serial Cheater

Serial cheaters are habitual offenders.

This cheating personality type often has a history of infidelity and finds it difficult to remain loyal to one partner.

They might enjoy the challenge of seducing new people and the novelty of new relationships.

For serial cheaters, infidelity can be a pattern thatā€™s hard to break.

They might genuinely care for their partner but struggle with the impulse to cheat.

Therapy and a willingness to change are often necessary to address this behavior.

11. The Substance User

Substance use can lower inhibitions and lead to poor decision-making.

This cheating personality type might cheat while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

They might not intend to be unfaithful but find themselves making bad choices when impaired.

Addressing substance use issues can be crucial for this type of cheater.

Sober living and healthier coping mechanisms can reduce the likelihood of infidelity.

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12. The Adventurer

Adventurers are similar to thrill-seekers but focus more on the experience than the adrenaline rush.

This cheating personality type might cheat to explore new sexual experiences or to satisfy their curiosity.

Adventurers might be open to polyamory or other non-traditional relationship structures.

Open and honest communication about desires and boundaries can help manage their need for variety without resorting to cheating.

Final Thoughts On Cheating Personality Types

Understanding cheating personality types can help you recognize potential red flags in a relationship.

Itā€™s important to remember that not everyone who exhibits these traits will cheat, but being aware of them can help you navigate relationships more effectively.

Communication, trust, and mutual respect are key to maintaining a healthy and faithful partnership.

Remember, every relationship is unique, and understanding these types can help you build stronger, more trusting connections.

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