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We all know the frustration of encountering those tricky words that seem impossible to spell correctly.
Whether you’re writing an email, an essay, or a social media post, these commonly misspelled words can trip us up.
But fear not! I’ve got 20 memory tricks to help you tackle these pesky words with confidence. Let’s dive in and make spelling fun again!
1. Definitely
This is one of the most commonly misspelled words. To remember it, think: “I’m definite about this; there’s definitely no ‘a’ in it.” Just remember, it’s “definite” with an “e.”
2. Accommodate
Accommodate has two “c’s” and two “m’s.” An easy way to remember is: “All cars can move.” This phrase has two “c’s” and two “m’s,” just like “accommodate.”
3. Embarrass
It’s easy to feel embarrassed if you misspell this one. Remember: “I feel really embarrassed with two ‘r’s’ and two ‘s’s’.” Double up those letters, and you’re good to go.
4. Maintenance
Think of maintenance as maintaining the “main” things. The key is remembering that “main” comes first, followed by “tenance.”
5. Necessary
To spell necessary correctly, remember: “Never eat cress, eat salad sandwiches and remain young.” The first letters of each word help you remember there’s one “c” and two “s’s.”
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6. Separate
This one is tricky because of the middle part. Think: “There’s a rat in separate.” This will help you remember to include the “a” in the middle.
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7. Recommend
To remember recommend, think: “I’d recommend doubling the ‘c’s’ and ‘m’s’.” However, it’s just the “m” that gets doubled, so watch out!
8. Accommodation
This one’s similar to “accommodate.” Just remember: “All cows can moo.” Two “c’s” and two “m’s” make sure you get it right.
9. Occasion
For occasion, remember: “Oh, can a snail isolate on nimbus?” The first letters guide you through spelling “occasion” correctly, with two “c’s” and one “s.”
10. Their/There/They’re
These homophones are often confused. Remember: “Their” shows possession (like their car), “there” indicates a place (like over there), and “they’re” is a contraction for “they are.” Practice these contexts to keep them straight.
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11. Business
To spell business, think: “Busy people are in business.” This reminds you to start with “bus” and then add “iness.”
12. Calendar
Calendar can be tricky because of the ending. Remember: “A calendar keeps track of the day.” The word “day” at the end helps you remember it’s “d-a-r,” not “d-e-r.”
13. Restaurant
For restaurant, think: “Rest a while before you rant.” This phrase will help you remember to include “rest” and “rant” in the spelling.
14. Tomorrow
To remember tomorrow, think: “Tom or Row will be here tomorrow.” This helps you keep the “o” in the middle and double the “r.”
15. Weird
Weird breaks the “i before e” rule. Remember it as: “Weird things don’t follow the rules.” This will help you remember to spell it “w-e-i-r-d.”
16. Conscience
Conscience can be remembered with: “With a clear conscience, I see nice scenery.” This breaks down the word into “con” + “science.”
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17. Gauge
Gauge can be tricky because of the “au.” Remember: “A unique gauge.” This phrase will help you remember the “au” in the middle.
18. Handkerchief
For handkerchief, think: “I use my hand to hold a kerchief.” This helps you remember to include “hand” at the beginning.
19. Rhythm
Rhythm is one of those strange words. Think: “Rhythm Helps Your Two Hips Move.” The first letters of each word spell out “rhythm.”
20. Embarrassment
This word is similar to “embarrass” but longer. Remember: “I feel embarrassed to show my embarrassment with two ‘r’s’ and two ‘s’s’.”
Why Misspelled Word Matters
Spelling might seem like a small detail, but it can make a big difference. Good spelling enhances your credibility and ensures your message is understood.
Plus, mastering these commonly misspelled words can boost your confidence in writing.
More Tips for Mastering Misspelled Words
In addition to these memory tricks, here are a few more tips to help you become a spelling pro:
Practice Regularly: The more you practice, the better you’ll get. Try writing out the words multiple times or using them in sentences.
Read More: Reading exposes you to correct spelling and helps you remember how words are used in context.
Use Spell Check: While it’s not foolproof, spell check can catch many errors and help you learn the correct spelling of tricky words.
Keep a List: Maintain a list of words you frequently misspell and review it regularly.
Final Thoughts On Misspelled Words
Spelling doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By using these 20 memory tricks, you can tackle some of the most commonly misspelled words with confidence.
Whether you’re writing for work, school, or fun, getting these tricky words right will make your writing shine.
So, keep practicing, stay curious, and don’t be afraid to make mistakes—they’re just steps on the path to becoming a better speller.
Remember, everyone struggles with spelling at some point. The key is to keep learning and improving.
With these memory tricks and a bit of practice, you’ll be spelling like a champ in no time.
Let’s help everyone master the art of spelling those commonly misspelled words. Happy spelling!
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