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When it comes to timeless wisdom and motivation, few can rival the impact of Swami Vivekananda. Known for his powerful words and inspiring thoughts, Vivekananda didn’t just speak to the mind—he spoke to the soul.
His insights into success are especially poignant, offering not just a path to achievement but a deeper understanding of what it truly means to succeed.
Whether you’re chasing your dreams, looking to overcome obstacles, or just need a little push to keep going, these Swami Vivekananda quotes on success are like a breath of fresh air.
Who is Swami Vivekanand?
Swami Vivekanand was not just a monk; he was a powerhouse of inspiration, known for bringing Indian philosophy and spirituality to the global stage. Best remembered for his electrifying speech at the 1893 Parliament of the World’s Religions in Chicago, Vivekanand emphasized unity, self-confidence, and inner strength.
His teachings blended spiritual depth with practical wisdom, encouraging people to live with purpose. One of the most famous Swami Vivekanand quotes is, “Take risks in your life. If you win, you can lead; if you lose, you can guide.” His words continue to inspire millions worldwide.
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Swami Vivekananda Quotes on Success
Swami Vivekananda, a towering spiritual leader and philosopher, left an indelible mark on the world with his profound teachings and inspiring words. Here are 206 of his most impactful quotes
• “Arise, awake, and stop not till the goal is reached.”
• “Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life—think of it, dream of it, live on that idea.”
• “To succeed, you must have tremendous perseverance, tremendous will.”
• “Do not lower your goals to the level of your abilities. Instead, raise your abilities to the height of your goals.”
• “All power is within you; you can do anything and everything.”
• “Believe in yourself, and the world will be at your feet.”
• “The greatest sin is to think that you are weak.”
• “You cannot believe in God until you believe in yourself.”
• “In a day, when you don’t come across any problems—you can be sure that you are traveling in a wrong path.”
• “Talk to yourself once a day. Otherwise, you may miss meeting an intelligent person in this world.”
• “The world is ready to give up its secrets if we only know how to knock, how to give it the necessary blow. The strength and force of the blow come through concentration.”
• “Purity, patience, and perseverance are the three essentials to success, and above all, love.”
• “Have faith in yourselves, and stand up on that faith and be strong; that is what we need.”
• “The history of the world is the history of a few men who had faith in themselves.”
• “We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think.”
• “The remedy for weakness is not brooding over weakness, but thinking of strength.”
• “Be a hero. Always say, ‘I have no fear.'”
• “Strength is life; weakness is death.”
• “The more we come out and do good to others, the more our hearts will be purified.”
• “Comfort is no test of truth. Truth is often far from being comfortable.”
• “The fire that warms us can also consume us; it is not the fault of the fire.”
• “Be a warrior when it comes to delivering on your ambitions.”
• “Do one thing at a time, and while doing it, put your whole soul into it to the exclusion of all else.”
• “The whole secret of existence is to have no fear.”
• “Fear is death; fear is sin; fear is hell; fear is unrighteousness; fear is wrong life.”
• “The earth is enjoyed by heroes—this is the unfailing truth. Be a hero. Always say, ‘I have no fear.'”
• “Stand and die in your own strength; if there is any sin in the world, it is weakness; avoid all weakness, for weakness is sin, weakness is death.”
• “Be free; hope for nothing from anyone. I am sure if you look back, you will find that you were always vainly trying to get help from others and never got it.”
• “Let people say whatever they like, stick to your own convictions, and rest assured, the world will be at your feet.”
• “The ideal of faith in ourselves is of the greatest help to us.”
• “Feel like Christ, and you will be a Christ; feel like Buddha, and you will be a Buddha.”
• “The greatest religion is to be true to your own nature.”
• “Anything that makes you weak physically, intellectually, and spiritually, reject as poison.”
• “Dare to be free, dare to go as far as your thought leads, and dare to carry that out in your life.”
• “The greatest truths are the simplest things in the world, simple as your own existence.”
• “The more we grow in love and virtue and holiness, the more we see love and virtue and holiness outside.”
• “The greatest thing is meditation. It is the nearest approach to spiritual life—the mind meditating.”
• “The highest manifestation of strength is to keep ourselves calm and on our own feet.”
• “Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man.”
• “We want that education by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, the intellect is expanded, and by which one can stand on one’s own feet.”
• “The goal of mankind is knowledge… Now, this knowledge is inherent in man. No knowledge comes from outside; it is all inside.”
• “Real education is that which enables one to stand on one’s own legs.”
• “The education which does not help the common mass of people to equip themselves for the struggle for life, which does not bring out the strength of character, a spirit of philanthropy, and the courage of a lion—is it worth the name?”
• “Go on bravely. Do not expect success in a day or a year. Always hold on to the highest. Be steady. Avoid jealousy and selfishness. Be obedient and eternally faithful to the causes of truth, humanity, and your country, and you will move the world.”
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• “Never think there is anything impossible for the soul. It is the greatest heresy to think so.”
• “Are great things ever done smoothly? Time, patience, and indomitable will must show.”
• “No need of looking behind. FORWARD! We want infinite energy, infinite zeal, infinite courage, and infinite patience; then only will great things be achieved.”
• “Do not figure out big plans at first, but begin slowly, feel your ground, and proceed up and up.”
• “Never mind the struggles, the mistakes. I never heard a cow tell a lie, but it is only a cow—never a man. So never mind these failures, these little backslidings; hold the ideal a thousand times, and if you fail a thousand times, make an attempt once more.”
• “Struggle hard and then if you do not succeed, you are not to blame.”
• “Be not in despair; the way is very difficult, like walking on the edge of a razor; yet despair not, arise, awake, and find the ideal, the goal.”
• “Do not wait for anybody or anything. Do whatever you can. Build your hope on none.”
• “The moment you fear, you are nobody. It is fear that is the great cause of misery in the world.”
• “Be cheerful. Hold on to your own ideal. Above all, never attempt to guide or rule others.”
• “Be perfectly resigned, perfectly unconcerned; then alone can you do any true work.”
• “Each work has to pass through these stages—ridicule, opposition, and then acceptance. Those who think ahead of their time are sure to be misunderstood.”
• “Every successful man must have behind him somewhere tremendous integrity, tremendous sincerity, and that is the cause of his signal success in life.”
• “Work on, my brave boys. We shall see the light someday. Let things slowly grow. Rome was not built in a day.”
• “Persevere on, my brave lads. We have only just begun. Never despond! Never say enough!”
• “Work on! Hold on! Be brave! Dare anything and everything!”
• “Money and all will come of themselves; we want men, not money. It is man that makes everything; what can money do?”
• “One of the greatest lessons I have learned in my life is to pay as much attention to the means of work as to its end.”
• “Let us work without desire for name or fame or rule over others. Let us be free from the triple bonds of lust, greed of gain, and anger.”
• “Our great defect in life is that we are so much drawn to the ideal, the goal is so much more enchanting, so much more alluring, so much bigger in our mental horizon, that we lose sight of the details altogether.”
• “It appears to me that all the secret of success is there: to pay as much attention to the means as to the end.”
• “Infinite patience, infinite purity, and infinite perseverance are the secret of success in a good cause.”
• “Every work has got to pass through hundreds of difficulties before succeeding. Those that persevere will see the light, sooner or later.”
• “Have fire and spread all over. Work, work. Be the servant while leading, be unselfish, and never listen to one friend in private accusing another. Have infinite patience, and success is yours.”
• “He who has infinite patience and infinite energy at his back will alone succeed.”
• “It is the cheerful mind that is persevering. It is the strong mind that hews its way through a thousand difficulties.”
• “Nothing else is necessary but these—love, sincerity, and patience.”
• “Our great defect in life is that we are so much drawn to the ideal, the goal is so much more enchanting, so much more alluring, so much bigger in our mental horizon, that we lose sight of the details altogether.”
• “One of the greatest lessons I have learned in my life is to pay as much attention to the means of work as to its end.”
“It is the patient building of character, the intense struggle to realize the truth, which alone will tell in the future of humanity.”
• “Take up an idea, devote yourself to it, struggle on in patience, and the sun will rise for you.”
• “To succeed, you must have tremendous perseverance, tremendous will.”
• “Infinite patience, infinite purity, and infinite perseverance are the secret of success in a good cause.”
• “Every work has got to pass through hundreds of difficulties before succeeding. Those that persevere will see the light, sooner or later.”
• “Have patience and be faithful unto death. Do not fight among yourselves. Be perfectly pure in money dealings. We will do great things yet.”
• “Purity, patience, and perseverance overcome all obstacles. All great things must, of necessity, be slow.”
• “Take courage and work on. Patience and steady work—this is the only way.”
• “Wait with patience and love and strength. If helpers are not ready now, they will come in time.”
• “The fruit falls from the tree when it gets ripe. So wait for the time to come. Do not hurry.”
• “Nothing shall be done in haste. Purity, patience, and perseverance are the three essentials to success and, above all, love.”
• “Have fire and spread all over. Work, work. Be the servant while leading, be unselfish, and never listen to one friend in private accusing another. Have infinite patience, and success is yours.”
• “No need for looking behind. FORWARD! We want infinite energy, infinite zeal, infinite courage, and infinite patience; then alone will great things be achieved.”
• “It is the cheerful mind that is persevering. It is the strong mind that hews its way through a thousand difficulties.”
• “To succeed, you must have tremendous perseverance, tremendous will. ‘I will drink the ocean,’ says the persevering soul; ‘at my will, mountains will crumble up.’ Have that sort of energy, that sort of will; work hard, and you will reach the goal.”
• “The world is ready to give up its secrets if we only know how to knock, how to give it the necessary blow. The strength and force of the blow come through concentration.”
• “Do not lower your goals to the level of your abilities. Instead, raise your abilities to the height of your goals.”
• “In a day, when you don’t come across any problems—you can be sure that you are traveling in the wrong path.”
• “Talk to yourself once in a day. Otherwise, you may miss meeting an intelligent person in this world.”
• “The greatest sin is to think that you are weak.”
• “You cannot believe in God until you believe in yourself.”
• “Believe in yourself, and the world will be at your feet.”
• “All power is within you; you can do anything and everything.”
• “Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life—think of it, dream of it, live on that idea.”
• “Arise! Awake! and stop not until the goal is reached.”
• “The greatest religion is to be true to your own nature. Have faith in yourselves.”
• “All differences in this world are of degree and not of kind because oneness is the secret of everything.”
• “As different streams having different sources all mingle their waters in the sea, so different tendencies, various though they appear, crooked or straight, all lead to God.”
• “He who has infinite patience and infinite energy at his back will alone succeed.”
• “If you have infinite patience and perseverance, success is bound to come. No mistake in that.”
• “It is the cheerful mind that is persevering. It is the strong mind that hews its way through a thousand difficulties.”
• “Know full well that patience is the best means of success.”
• “Love conquers in the long run. It won’t do to become impatient—wait, wait—patience is bound to give success.”
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• “Nothing else is necessary but these—love, sincerity, and patience.”
• “Purity, perseverance, and energy—these three I want.”
• “Take courage and work on it. Patience and steady work—this is the only way. Go on; remember—patience and purity and courage and steady work.”
• “This world is not for cowards. Do not try to fly. Look not for success or failure. Join yourself to the perfectly unselfish will and work on.”
• “You have the right to work, but do not become so degenerate as to look for results. Work incessantly, but see something behind the work.”
• “Even good deeds can bind a man in great bondage. Therefore, be not bound by good deeds or by the desire for name and fame.”
• “Those who know this secret pass beyond this round of birth and death and become immortal.”
• “Wait, my child, wait and work on. Patience, patience.”
• “Wait with patience and love and strength. If helpers are not ready now, they will come in time. Why should we be in a hurry?”
• “The real working force of all great work is in its almost unperceived beginnings.”
• “The fruit falls from the tree when it gets ripe. So wait for the time to come. Do not hurry.”
• “Moreover, no one has the right to make others miserable by his foolish acts. Wait, have patience; everything will come right in time.”
• “To succeed, you must have tremendous perseverance, tremendous will. ‘I will drink the ocean,’ says the persevering soul; ‘at my will, mountains will crumble up.’ Have that sort of energy, that sort of will; work hard, and you will reach the goal.”
• “Arise, awake, and stop not till the goal is reached.”
• “Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life—think of it, dream of it, live on that idea.”
• “All power is within you; you can do anything and everything.”
• “Believe in yourself, and the world will be at your feet.”
• “The greatest sin is to think that you are weak.”
• “You cannot believe in God until you believe in yourself.”
• “In a day, when you don’t come across any problems—you can be sure that you are traveling in the wrong path.”
• “Talk to yourself once in a day. Otherwise, you may miss meeting an intelligent person in this world.”
• “The world is ready to give up its secrets if we only know how to knock, how to give it the necessary blow. The strength and force of the blow come through concentration.”
• “Do not lower your goals to the level of your abilities. Instead, raise your abilities to the height of your goals.”
• “All the powers in the universe are already ours. It is we who have put our hands before our eyes and cry that it is dark.
• “Fortune favors the brave and energetic. Don’t look back—forward, infinite energy, infinite enthusiasm, infinite daring, and infinite patience—then alone can great deeds be accomplished.”
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Swami Vivekananda’s quotes on success aren’t just phrases; they’re powerful calls to action, urging us to rise, to strive, and to overcome. Sow them in your mind, nurture them with a sprinkle of grit, and watch your garden of achievements bloom. It’s as if Vivekananda himself has been coaching you from the sidelines, cheering you on to the finish line.
So, as you step back into the hustle and bustle of your daily grind, carry with you the spark ignited by Swami Vivekananda’s quotes. Let them be your beacon on days when the light seems dim, and remember, the path to success is lined with the footprints of perseverance.
Let the naysayers be your background noise. Vision sharp as a tack, focus steady as a cat on a laser pointer, and goals bigger than your coffee addiction!
Don’t let the nay-sayers ever dull your sparkle. Go on, give it a whirl! You’ve absolutely got this—like you’re nailing a high-five every single time. Now go on and show the world what you’re made of! Here’s to stepping forward with confidence.
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